Settle into community

When you make Doane your home, you don’t just move into a building, 你加入了一个大学住宿社区,它的目的是帮助你茁壮成长,这样你就可以在课堂上和其他地方产生影响.

澳门威尼斯人网址 Housing Residence Halls

澳门威尼斯人网址's 史密斯大厅

史密斯大厅 offers the comforts of home. 享受休息和放松,无论它适合您的需要-在休息区, the outdoor courtyard or the gaming room.


澳门威尼斯人网址's 释放大厅

释放 isn’t short on options. Enjoy an indoor theatre for movie nights, an outdoor grill space to gather with friends, or head to the game room to hone your pool game.

澳门威尼斯人网址's 谢尔登霍尔

Sheldon is the perfect place to make connections. This energetic hall features a music studio, 电视休息室, 和课堂, as well as an outdoor fireplace and lawn games.

澳门威尼斯人网址's 汉森大厅

作为领导和荣誉学生的家园,汉森领导大厅提供学习和放松的空间. 宽敞的大堂提供棋盘游戏、一架小型三角钢琴和一台大屏幕电视.

Doane New Residence Hall

新大厅 includes some great spaces, where a fully equipped kitchen, 吸引人的游戏室, 自动售货机, 免费洗衣, and dedicated study rooms await. 


Office of Residence Life & 教育





Do I have to live on campus?

Doane's 克里特岛 campus is residential, 这意味着学生四年都必须住在学校宿舍里,除非他们符合特殊的例外标准,允许他们搬出校园. 只有居住生活和教育办公室可以批准校外活动.


不幸的是,没有. 在夏季,宿舍楼用于夏令营、会议和夏季住宿.


To safeguard both you and the University's facilities, 我们的住宿生活小组负责进行搬家前后的住宿条件报告. 入住时,您需要检查并确认房间内每件物品的状况, noting any discrepancies after move-in. 在入住期间记录现有的条件,以避免在年底产生潜在的费用. 更改结帐条件可能会导致您的学生帐户收费. 您的积极参与确保了我们共享生活空间的安全和维护. 

Does the University provide insurance for my property?

No. We urge each student to purchase some form of insurance, 无论是租房者的保险还是他们父母的房主保险的附加条款. The University is not liable for theft, 个人财产在宿舍任何地方损坏或丢失.

Are different resident halls different prices?

释放, Smith and Sheldon (Traditional Living) are one price, Hansen和新大厅(套房式生活)是额外费用.

Can I have a private room?

私人房间是双人房间,以较高的价格购买供一人居住. Private rooms are rare and are only available if space permits. 一年级新生和新生通常无法拥有私人房间.

What if I don’t get along with my roommates?

虽然我们努力使最好的匹配可能,有时会出现冲突. 居住生活将冲突视为发展的健康部分. If roommate conflicts arise, 住宿生活团队将协助调解过程,帮助当事人找到适合他们的解决方案.

Can I stay on campus during a break?

The campus closes for Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring Breaks. Requests for exceptions are reviewed for each break. The campus is open for Fall Break, 但我们确实要求您填写登记表,以便我们知道谁会留下来.



What is the cost of laundry?

Laundry is free for all on-campus students. Please make sure you bring your own laundry supplies. 根据我们的洗衣机供应商,我们要求您不要使用任何形式的豆荚洗涤剂. These cause machines to get clogged and not work properly.

Are pets allowed in the Residence Halls?

只是鱼. Students are permitted to have one 10 gallon aquarium per room.

Is my emotional support animal permitted in the Residence Hall?

如果您是大学宿舍的残疾学生,希望获得允许将情感支持动物带入校园, please begin this process by contacting 格温多林洛佩兹  in the Office of Disability Services. 我们的 Emotional Support Animal page has more information.


Is alcohol permitted in the Residence Halls?

21岁或以上的居民可以申请拥有一个酒精耐受房间,如果房间里的每个人都是成年的. Upon approval from the Director of Health & 健康, alcohol-tolerant rooms may have beer and wine. Hard liquor is never permitted on campus.

我丢了房间钥匙. 我该怎么办??

Please contact your Community Director (CD) as soon as possible; they will have you complete the Lost Key Form on  为了您和您的物品的安全,需要进行一次关键的重新排序. Reorder charges will be charged to your student account.

I lost my student ID. 我该怎么办??

新的学生证可以在Doane安全办公室打印. Their office is located on the Lower Level of the Communications Building. Fees for reprints may apply.

What is my mailing address?



How to Address Student Mail:




Ste: (This will be your individual mailbox number)



澳门威尼斯人网址 Residence Hall Reminders

每年夏天,房间分配完成并邮寄给新入学的新生. Once you receive your letter, 你应该联系你的室友,协调好你们每个人要带的东西. Please note that we do not provide student storage on campus.

Residence Hall Basic Information

Residence Halls with hard-surface floors:

  • 谢尔登霍尔
  • 史密斯大厅
  • 释放大厅

Residence Halls with carpet:

  • 汉森大厅
  • 新大厅

All rooms come with:

  • 无线网络
  • A microfridge/freezer/microwave combo
  • 双人床
  • 梳妆台
  • 衣橱
  • 桌椅

All residence halls have:

  • Free laundry services
  • 计算机实验室
  • Kitchen facilities and microwaves
Major items to coordinate with your roommate(s)
  • Futon or other soft sided furniture - must be newly purchased
  • TV
  • 游戏控制台
  • 音响/喇叭
  • Power strip/surge protector - no extension cords allowed
  • 闹钟
  • Laundry basket, detergent
  • 床上用品
    • Pillows and extra-long twin sheets
  • Shower tote and sandals
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Message or marker board
  • 3M or another removable tape
  • 学校用品
  • Pictures of friends and family
  • Flashlight and batteries
  • 餐具
    • 勺子
Extra items to consider
  • 个人电脑
  • 除湿机
  • 地毯
  • 存储容器
  • 抽屉的组织者
  • Over-the-door hooks or hangers
  • Iron and ironing board
  • 大水瓶
  • Basic food such as Easy-Mac, ramen, etc.
  • 芯片剪辑
  • 开罐器
  • Hand vacuum and cleaning wipes
  • 镜子
  • 植物(s)
  • 面巾纸和餐巾
  • 空气清新剂
  • 基本急救箱
  • Keurig of coffee pot with an automatic shutoff
  • 安全床轨
Items that are absolutely not allowed
  • 延长线
  • 微波
  • 热锅
  • George Foreman Grills
  • Any appliances that do not have an automatic shutoff
  • Pets other than fish 
  • 卤素灯
  • 阳光之下
  • 熔岩灯
  • 指甲
  • Candles, incense, anything with an open flame
  • 蜡的长手套
  • 打火机
  • 潮豆荚
  • 武器*
  • 冰箱-校园的每个房间都配有微型冰箱/冰柜/微波炉组合
  • Alcohol paraphernalia
    • 烧瓶
    • Posters promoting alcohol
    • 装饰瓶

*澳门威尼斯人网址禁止持有许可证的人在校内拥有或携带隐蔽手枪,除非法律另有授权. Violation of this prohibition is a criminal offense. Pursuant to the Nebraska revised statute, 69-2441.

Fuel your day, your way.

你有各种各样的选择,让你充满活力,准备好迎接你的一天. 无论你是需要在路上吃点东西还是有时间坐下来吃顿饭,我们都为你提供了基本的服务.


Students in Cafeteria

主餐厅,或“咖啡馆”,提供不同的菜单,每周在传统的餐饮氛围. Choose from a variety of meal plan options.


争分夺秒? 虎穴提供的移动菜单项目,如烤三明治, 鸡肉条, 汉堡, fresh salads and wraps.

Students gathered around tables in Lakeside Coffee Shop

湖边咖啡馆特色的星巴克咖啡为您的下午提神. 如果你不喜欢喝咖啡,可以享受冰沙、能量饮料、糕点和其他零食.


查看膳食计划,时间,并通过新鲜的想法菜单在下面的按钮. 我们还提供了其他资源来回答你所有的大学住宿和餐饮问题.